Published onDecember 18, 2024HICRIC: Law, Policy, and Medical Guidance for Health Insurance Coverage Understandingmachine-learningdatapretraining-corporahicricnlpWe announce the release of our new pretraining corpus and appeal outcome prediction benchmark.
Published onJuly 17, 2024Toward Generative Contract Understanding Toolsmachine-learningdatapretraining-corporanlpWe describe barriers to responsibly deploying natural language understanding tools with existing technology, and ways to overcome them.
Published onNovember 28, 2023Medicare Advantage QIC Appeal Outcomeshealth-equitydataappealsmedicaremedicare-advantageWe analyze data from the CMS Medicare Part C and D Qualified Independent Contractor appeal database.
Published onOctober 10, 2023California External Appeal Outcome Demographicshealth-equitydataappealsWe look into demographic trends in two California databases documenting outcomes of external appeals of health insurance denials.
Published onSeptember 8, 2023Pennsylvania Claims Data ReleaseannouncementdatareleaseAnnouncing the release of claims denial data from the Pennsylvania Insurance Department.
Published onDecember 11, 2024Health Insurance Coverage Rules Interpretation Corpus: Law, Policy, and Medical Guidance for Health Insurance Understanding.machine-learningdatapretraining-corporahicricnlpIntroduction of a corpus, appeal outcome prediction task, a novel benchmark for that task, and modeling baselines.
Published onSeptember 13, 2023Claims Denials in U.S. Health Insuranceinsurer-practicespolicydataAn investigation of public claims denial and appeal data.