Published onFebruary 5, 2025The Financial Calculus of Wrongful Denialsdatadenialsappealsmoneynew-yorkWe share an interactive tool highlighting the critical role denials and appeals play in financial incentives in U.S. health insurance.Read more →
Published onDecember 18, 2024HICRIC: Law, Policy, and Medical Guidance for Health Insurance Coverage Understandingmachine-learningdatapretraining-corporahicricnlpWe announce the release of our new pretraining corpus and appeal outcome prediction benchmark.Read more →
Published onJuly 17, 2024Toward Generative Contract Understanding Toolsmachine-learningdatapretraining-corporanlpWe describe barriers to responsibly deploying natural language understanding tools with existing technology, and ways to overcome them.Read more →
Published onMarch 28, 2024Announcing Our Medicare Appeal FOIA Requestannouncementrecords-requestFOIACMSmedicaremedicare-advantageclaim-denialsappealsAnnouncing a submission of a Freedom of Information Act public records request for Medicare data, prepared in collaboration with the Data Liberation Project.Read more →
Published onNovember 28, 2023Medicare Advantage QIC Appeal Outcomeshealth-equitydataappealsmedicaremedicare-advantageWe analyze data from the CMS Medicare Part C and D Qualified Independent Contractor appeal database.Read more →