TPAS logo: a sword piercing a stack of papers.


  • Published on
    A guided tour of an insurance denial appeal. We walk through the life cycle of an appeal of coverage denial for the Anser ADA level test for Humira/Adalimumab levels. Part 7: Final Decision.
  • Published on
    A guided tour of an insurance denial appeal. We walk through the life cycle of an appeal of coverage denial for the Anser ADA level test for Humira/Adalimumab levels. Part 6: External Appeal.
  • Published on
    A guided tour of an insurance denial appeal. We walk through the life cycle of an appeal of coverage denial for the Anser ADA level test for Humira/Adalimumab levels. Part 5: Initial Appeal Response.
  • Published on
    A guided tour of an insurance denial appeal. We walk through the life cycle of an appeal of coverage denial for the Anser ADA level test for Humira/Adalimumab levels. Part 4: Initial Appeal.
  • Published on
    A guided tour of an insurance denial appeal. We walk through the life cycle of an appeal of coverage denial for the Anser ADA level test for Humira/Adalimumab levels. Part 3: Appeal Research.